We all play games once in a while; as kids, we played and favored outdoor games and fully enjoyed the game and our time spent on them. But as an adult, is it possible to play outdoor games to kill your boredom for fun?

Most certainly, the answer will be no, especially if you are a student, corporate, businessman, etc. You may not have the time, accommodation, or physical stability to play outdoors. For this very reason, we were blessed with the creation of a diverse category of indoor games.

Indoor games can be played by anyone, from adolescent to senile age groups. And with the recent advancement in technology, we can now even play indoor board and tabletop games online at the accommodation of our home or even from our office. 

Doesn’t it sound exciting to play with friends and family regardless of being in different locations? Online board games are the future to feel that same old rush of excitement running through your body with the urge to win a game played among your mates.

What is Rummy?

Rummy is a tabletop card game. Players pitch their cards based on a set of sequences or ranks of the cards. You only win by matching the card set sequence.

Rummy is a skill-based strategic game. You must understand the game rules to win points and earn money from Rummy.

While online Rummy is restricted to deck card games, it is also a multiplayer game. Still, online Rummy also provides the opportunity to play alone with a computer system and other real-time participants from across the globe.

You can play the rummy game from anywhere, be it when you are at your desk, in the bathroom, traveling, or on a boring ride somewhere. You need not move or gather around your friends or family to play games anymore.

What are Board Games?

Board games are tabletop games played on a flat surface. It requires multiple players to play with an opponent or participants to compete with. Board games can be a card, miniature, role-playing, and table games.

Some of the widely known board games in India are cards, carrom, chess, monopoly, scrabbles, snakes and ladders, treasure hunt, and so on.

Each board game has a unique set of rules and game modeling. Some board games are decided with the luck of rolling your dice, while others have their miniatures or cards to play with.

Luck or Strategy Ruled Game?

By now, you know, that Rummy is a card-playing deck game. It is a wise strategy game based on your strategic plays and turns. Unlike other deck card games, Rummy is not a game based on luck. But if you have certain luck, you can get some jackpot-worthy cards assorted to you at the beginning of the online rummy game.

Board games can consist of pure luck like snakes and ladders or games purely based on strategy, i.e., chess. At the same time, board games are available based on luck and strategy, like monopoly.

Why is Online Rummy Trending on the Charts more than any other Board Game?

Online Rummy is a judgment-advancing game that keeps the participant playing and coming for more. Rummy, keep your brain sharp as you understand the terms and ways of playing with time and winning.

You can play rummy online anywhere with your friends, family, or internet people with the support of a sufficient internet connection. While board games require the gathering of people.

The most prominent plus point of playing Rummy is it keeps you going by offering thrills, keeping you amused, and coming for more.

How to Play to Win?

Here are the precise listed facts to keep in mind while playing the rummy game:

  • You will be assorted with 13 deck cards by the dealer character at the beginning of the game. The dealer is also a participant, chosen automatically by the game’s system.
  • You need to assort your 13-card rummy in 3 or 4 sets of card sequences.
  • Arrange your cards based on 3 sequences:
  • Pure sequence: You need to sort 3 cards to create a set based on a card that matches the suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs) or rankings (1 to 9 ranking deck cards, Ace, King, Queen, and Joker). A pure sequence is called 1st life as it is your one chance of having the probability of winning any matches. You have a lower chance of winning the match without a pure sequence.
  • Impure sequence: If you cannot create a pure sequence despite your cards having matching suits or ranking(but not enough to create a pure set of 3 cards) and a joker, you can create an impure sequence. Inability to sort a pure sequence, you had to create an impure one which is why an impure sequence is called the 2nd life. A joker is a must to create an impure sequence.
  • One or more set sequences: This sequence of rummy cards is based on matching ranks instead of suits. You may have 3 or 4 cards and 1 or 2 sets of sequences.

How to Win Cash Prizes?

Add your bank details to earn some online cash rummy from the app. You need to add a minimum amount of cash as an entry fee to participate in paid gaming rounds. You can earn real money from Rummy to enter and bet on a game or a tournament with a little investment. With more victories and scores, you will earn money from Rummy. After earning a certain score, you can later withdraw the online cash rummy to your selected bank account.

You can play Rummy online without entering or buying any credentials as well by clicking on the online rummy-free package. You will earn points but no cash as per the rules.


You can play Rummy to kill your boredom, to keep your mind sharp, or even for the thrill. Play Rummy online free with friends and family to win points and earn money from Rummy. You can even join rummy tournaments that are conducted online from time to time.

Download the Indian rummy app and enjoy the world of Rummy while winning cash prizes and high scores.